Best Skincare Routine to Get Rid of Acne Scars


After winning a war against a bad breakout, you’ll inescapably face a new enemy – acne scars. To help you win your battle with this skin monster, a consistent skincare routine using all the essential healing products is the key. Here is the step-by-step process on how you could possibly overcome the scarring left a bad breakout.

1. Thoroughly Cleanse Your Face

Your face needs to be thoroughly clean first before you start tackling any skin issue using the right products. So use micellar water, cleansing oil or any makeup remover of your choice to get rid of dirt, grime and oil that’s clinging on your face.

2. Practise Double Cleansing

If you have a problematic skin, then it’s highly recommended that you perform a double cleanse after wiping off your makeup. This ensures that any dirt that could irritate your skin and clog your pores is out of the way. Also, be sure to use a gentle cleanser so you can avoid stripping off your skin’s natural oils.

3. Perform a Peel Once a Week

Treating yourself to a peel or a purifying mask once a week will help in cleaning out your pores and preventing new breakouts and scarring from occurring. Facial masks are a better option than cleansers as they stay longer on your skin, allowing them to deal with any skin issues that your cleanser can’t handle.

4. Exfoliate Your Skin

Prepare your skin for all the good stuff later on by priming it with an exfoliating toner. Opt for a soothing toner that contains aloe vera and is infused with glycolic acid to do the trick for you.

5. Stock Up on Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C is perhaps the greatest companion you’ll have when it comes to battling acne scars, since its brightening and exfoliating properties aid in improving skin texture and discolouration. To make full use of its potential, simply pat a thin layer of vitamin C serum on your face (a total of four drops will already do) and leave it on for 10 minutes before moving on.

6. Keep Your Skin Well-Moisturized

Seal all your hard work by using a moisturizer that you trust. Opt for a hydrating moisturizer for your daytime use, but choose something with a brightening ingredient for your night-time routine. This will surely help in upping your routine’s effectiveness.

Getting rid of acne scars isn’t as difficult as you think. Simply practising a good skincare routine will already help you deal and get rid of those pesky scars left by a severe acne breakout.

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